Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Teacup In The Park

“That's something out of the ordinary” I think. It was a gigantic teacup with a massive hand print on
it. I crouch down to take a look. ‘Coming ready or not.” “That was a terrible spot.” It’s not my hiding
spot you moron look what I found aren’t you seeing the massive hand print on it.” “It’s not that
interesting someone's just put a giant cup there.” “Can’t you just use you imagination, it could be
Mrs Potts she might have fallen out of the palace’s window, a Giant could have dropped it, just let
your imagination run.”


  1. Hi Anna!

    I really liked your story. I loved how you used dialogue to describe to the reader what was happening. I also thought it was very interesting how you used the prompt through the characters discussing it. I felt you also managed to give your characters personality even though they each only had a few lines.

    Keep writing!


    Team 100WC, Oxford, England

  2. I liked how added dialogue to make it interesting. Next time you try add the talking on different lines. You could try add paragraphs.
    Also check out my blog: http://callum2017.global2.vic.edu.au/


100 wc - 29/11

… we seemed to be on the television… My heart raced and I had to stop myself nervously drumming my fingers on my legs. It wasn’t our fault ...